This page is for coordinating projects to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the creation of TLUG.
- initial proposal by Alberto Tomita
Historical Timeline
List up past-officers in chronological order, along with other tid bits about where meetings have been held and special guest speakers/events over the years.
- TLUG Timeline
- Methods for effectively searching TLUG mailing list archives with Google
- Post about first meeting by Jim Tittsler
Testimonial Videos
A collection of testimonials from founding members, scanning pictures, and looking at video footage that may (or may not) be archived on hikari.
- Bruce McIntosh has offered to take charge of this.
- video of 1999 March nomikai
Photo Album
Create a photo album giving the photo history of TLUG.
A while back I linked the old meeting archives (most with some photos) *here* in to the wiki. So at least there are some pics, albeit very low res for the early digi cam pics. - Tim Meggs
- 1995 23rd Jul meeting photos taken by Steve Myers
- 1999 bonenkai photos
- 2003 Jan meeting] by Sajjad Zaidi
- Recent TLUG photos by Jim Grisanzio
- Recent TLUG photos by Pietro Zuco
Celebration Party
- The intention was to hold this on a Friday or Saturday night in June which seems to be around the time of the first meeting.
- We have had an expression of interest in sponsoring a TLUG anniversary party but nothing confirmed.
- Perhaps it would be better to look for a number of smaller sponsors rather then one individual sponsor.
- Depending on how many people are interested in attending it might be worth having this catered.
- Based on a the responses to initial announcement we expect at least 50 people would attend.
- Initial list Announcement