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Tokyo Linux Users Group


We will have the silk screen for 1 year, so we can order reprintings and put it on different colors shirts, and other such items. it could even be put on the back side of a shirt!

If you would like a t-shirt in the second round add your name to the list.


  1. Edward Middleton (large)
  2. Alexei Anisimov (middle)
  3. Curt Sampson (large)
  4. Travis Cardwell (medium)
  5. Christian Horn (middle)
  6. Leo Howell (large)
  7. Felipe Gomez (medium)
  8. Marco Toldo (large)
  9. Ivan (vanzaj) (medium)
  10. Akihiro Moriguchi (medium)
  11. Dan Ramaley (large)
  12. J. Maurice (medium)
  13. Greg Simkins (extra large)
  14. Johan Burati (XXL)

Other designs we consider

These can still be used in another round of shirt printing.
